Grammar resources
- Wikipedia
- Bulgarian alphabet - We use the Cyrillic alphabet
- How to write letters - handwritten and print letters.
- How to write letters 2 - One more tutorial
- 101 Languages
- Bulgaro - the free version gives access to all grammar lessons and to some of the vocabulary practices when logged out. Subscribing might also be a good deal to get Duolingo like lessons.
- - School Lessons In Bulgarian for Bulgarian school pupils
- UNHCR books specifically for refugees
- Intensive Bulgarian vol. 1 - Exhaustive grammar book for advanced learners
- Intensive Bulgarian audio supplement 1
- Intensive Bulgarian vol. 2 - You guessed it, that’s part 2
- Intensive Bulgarian audio supplement 2
- A concise Bulgarian grammar book
- Teach yourself Bulgarian - A good book
- Bulgarian Grammar in charts
- Езикови Справки - Questions from bulgarians themselves about tricky grammar rules. Answers by the Bulgarian Language Institute.
- LiveLingua courses
- BruLingua - A short A1 (or below) course. It is important to use post code 1200 when registering and select that you’re a Brussels Civil Servant.
- gramatika-bg - More Grammar (hopefully) didn’t hurt nobody.
Vocabulary resources
- Tobo Bulgarian
- - The best bulgarian language dictionary
- Wiktionary - Wiktionary
- Pons - Good dictionary for context usage of words
- Forvo - Hear words pronunciation by people
- Micmonster - Hear words pronounced by Kalina the robot. Might put the stress on the wrong letter for some words so take with a grain of salt.
- BulgarianPod101 - Vocabulary course and a blog with useful vocabulary examples/phrases.
- Tatoeba - Sample sentences, contextual usage of words
- FSI Language Course - dialogs, drills and exercises
- Memrise - Bulgarian
- MyLanguages - Cheatsheet-like examples
- Sample dialogues
- Teach yourself Bulgarian - Book with many common phrases
- Family relatives
- Quizlet Animals
- Quizlet Weather
- Word finder - Search for words beginning or ending with different morphemes. EXAMPLE.
- kak se pishe? - How to write correctly. Useful for bulgarians too :)
- BGJargon - Street slang, common sayings. CAUTION: Contains swears too!!
- Chitanka - Lots of free books to read
- Books
- Storytel - Bulgarian audio books
Video resources / Audio / Listening
- Radio Fresh - Get into the vibe before learning. Or just chill after :)
- Binar - National Radio programmes and podcasts
- Radio NRJ
- Radio 1 Rock
- BNT News - News with text and robot text-to-speech
- Nova news - news broadcasts
- Elemental TV
- Bulgarian Language Academy
- BulgarianPod101
- NoBlink movies - Short movies with subtitles
- Monoglossia
- iStudyBG
- ItsyBitsy Bg - short videos for young children learning bulgarian
- “Аз уча български” series - Sample conversations in Bulgarian
- Goethe Institute language resources - Vocabulary audio books
- Storytel - Bulgarian audio books
- Bulgarian language for foreigners (A1)
- Приказки за деца - Fairytales for children (we’re all children deep inside)
- SBS Bulgarian - just some podcast
- Digital Drifters - Gamers podcast
- Jm Gardner - I am Learning Bulgarian(“Listen,Repeat,Speak”)
Paid courses with teachers
- iTalki - I can recommend only iTalki
Visiting Bulgaria
- List of 100 national tourist sites
- Wiki article for 100 national tourist sites